Lung Cancer

About Lung Cancer Disease, Classification of Lung Cancer, Sign and Symptoms of Lung Cancer, Causes and Risk factors of Lung Cancer, Pathophysiology of Lung Cancer, Tests for Diagnosis of Lung Cancer, Treatment of Lung Cancer, Alternative Therapy of Lung Cancer.

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Tests for Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

In order to get correct diagnosis about suspect of lung cancer disease, the doctor may they will do a certain number of steps such as Anamnesis, Physical examination, Sputum cytology and Imaging techniques.

  • Anamnesis

  • The doctor may ask about medical and family history, lung cancer risk factors (such as smoking history, exposure to environmental and occupational carcinogens), and symptoms. Other information also may important to help the doctor in order to focus their data such as about lifestyle, overall health, and the medications taken.

  • Physical Examination

  • The doctor performed a physical examination to looks for noticeable signs of lung cancer.

  • Sputum Cytology

  • Collecting sputum or mucus sample from the patients who diagnosed as suspect of lung cancer by deep-cough is important in order to do culture examination under microscope.

  • Imaging techniques

  • 1. Chest X-Ray. By using high energy electromagnetic radiation to penetrate the body and creates its image on a film. These method is used for diagnosing unusual masses within the lungs. If a mass or other abnormality is discovered in the image, The doctor may suggest a lung biopsy to make an official diagnosis.

    2. Computed tomography (CT) scan. Although chest x-rays are effective in detecting abnormalities within the lungs, healthcare professionals have found that the CT Scan is more effective in early detection of many lung diseases.

    This test is similar with an x-ray test, Its creates a detailed cross-sectional image of the body. So, the image result will perform and identify any abnormal mass tissues inside the lungs.
    A CT scan is usually performed in two steps for a better diagnosis:
    a). First step, the targeted area is scanned without a contrast agent.
    b). Second step, the targeted area is scanned after a contrast agent was administrated.

  • Pulmonary Function Test

  • This is easy test for the patient, Pulmonary function tests are diagnostic tests used for measuring how well the lungs take in air and expel air, and how efficiently they exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the blood by using Spirometry and Body Plethsmography.

  • Bronchoscopy Test

  • If the doctor has decided suspect of lung cancer to the patient or if a mass has been detected on a chest x-ray or scan of the lungs, They may want to perform a bronchoscopy. These is a diagnostic medical instrument used to obtain lung tissue, mass tissue and secretion samples for further analysis and also to detect or rule out tumors or any abnormalities of the lungs or airways.

  • Lung Biopsy and Pathology Tests

  • There are two types of lung biopsies, Surgical and Non-surgical/Needle. Surgical procedure is used to remove small piece of lung tissue that may indicated as cancer, benign tumors, lung diseases, and certain lung infections through a surgical incision in the chest.

    Lung biopsy by needle is most common medical procedure which taken by the doctors when the abnormal condition is near the surface of the lung, in the tissues surrounding the lungs, or on the chest wall.

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    Treatment of Lung Cancer

    Treatment of lung cancer is depends on the cell type, stage of disease, possibility for removing the tumor, and the patient's general medical condition. Options for treatment of lung cancer are include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or as well as combinations of these methods. For some patients, participation in a clinical trial is another option.

    The most important factors are the histopathologic (diseased tissue) type of tumor that is present and its stage, Once a lung cancer has been staged, the physician and patient can discuss treatment options.

  • Treatment of Lung Cancer by Surgery

  • Surgery is the only treatment that generally performed for limited-stage (stage I or sometimes stage II) Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Surgery is indicated for disease that has not spread beyond the lung. Lung Cancer cases about 10%-35% can be removed surgically, but removal does not always result in a cure, since the tumors may already have spread and can recur at a later time.

    Patients who diagnosed as lung cancer and they have other medical problems may not fit enough to have surgery, Radiotherapy may be given to the lung cancer instead. Surgery for non-small cell lung cancer can take several forms such as Mediastinoscopy, Thoracoscopy, Wedge resection, Segmentectomy, Lobectomy, Sleeve resection and Pneumonectomy.

  • Treatment of Lung Cancer by Radiation Therapy

  • Radiotherapy is known as radiation therapy, this is a treatment method for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC) that uses high-energy, ionizing radiation {cobalt (60Co), radium (228Ra), iodine (131I), radon (221Rn), cesium (137Cs), phosphorus (32P), gold (198Au), iridium (192Ir), and yttrium (90Y)} to kill cancer cells.

    Radiotherapy is used before surgery to shrink a tumor, or after surgery to destroy remaining cancer cells and also used instead of surgery procedure to relieve symptoms such as shortness of breath. Radiotherapy may also be used very effectively to relieve symptoms, such as pain, in people with advanced SCLC. Some medical procedure may they do the radiotherapy and chemotherapy at the same time; this is known as chemoradiation.

  • Treatment of Lung Cancer by Chemotherapy

  • Lung cancer cases, NSCLC and SCLC may be treated with chemotherapy. Chemotherapy refers to the administration of drugs that stop the growth of cancer cells by killing them or preventing them from dividing. These kind of therapy that used some medications whether by mouth or by intravenous solution depending on which drugs are given. The medicines are prescribed by a medical oncologist, The doctors who specializes in treating cancer with medication.

    Chemotherapy may be given alone, as an adjuvant to surgical therapy, or in combination with radiotherapy. Chemotherapy may help radiation to be more effective. The doctor will work with patients to decide the best approach. An experimental drug given in a clinical trial may also be an option.

  • Treatment of Lung Cancer by Photodynamic Therapy

  • Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a new therapy method for the cancers that used for different types and stages of lung cancer (as well as some other cancers). These is an effective treatment to the lung cancer disease, In early cases the treatment can eliminate the cancer and in more advanced cases the photodynamic therapy has used to palliate symptoms that result from blockage of the bronchial tubes.

    PDT treatment is useful for the care of persons with inoperable lung cancer {tumors are occult (hidden, unseen) on chest x-ray}. In photodynamic treatment, a photosynthesizing agent (such as a porphyrin, a naturally occurring substance in the body) is injected into the bloodstream a few hours prior to surgery.

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    Alternative Therapy for Lung Cancer

    All the cancers disease are need to be treatment as a comprehensive treatment including alternative medication or therapy. Many website they offers much information about how to make plan during treatment of lung cancer's patient. There are some alternative therapy for lung cancer disease that may help and improve the patient's condition such as Nutrition and Supplements, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, and Acupuncture.

  • Nutrition and Supplements

  • Patients who diagnosed as lung cancer they can take healthy nutrition and supplement to reduce symptoms of lung cancer, learn about our tips how to get better choice for your nutrition and supplement :

    - Lung cancer or others cancer disease are needs more vitamin and mineral on their body, especially vitamin B and Fe (iron). They can eat foods such as such as whole grains (if no allergy), dark leafy greens (such as spinach and kale), and sea vegetables.
    - Avoid kind of food that may you have allergic on them.
    - Eat antioxidant foods, including fruits (such as blueberries, cherries, and tomatoes) and vegetables (such as squash and bell pepper).
    - Patients with lung cancer they should avoid refined foods such as white breads, pastas, and sugar.
    - When you cook, use healthy cooking oils such as olive oil or vegetable oil.
    - Lung cancer patients they should avoid tobacco, caffein, alcohol and other stimulants.
    - Eat antioxidant foods, including fruits (such as blueberries, cherries, and tomatoes) and vegetables (such as squash and bell pepper).
    - Better for the patients who diagnosed as lung cancer to do exercise lightly, at least 3 or 5 days a week.

  • Herbal Medicine

  • Herbal medicine are commonly usefull strengthen and tone the body's systems. There are many herbs madicine from around the world such as dried extracts (capsules, powders, teas), glycerites (glycerine extracts), or tinctures (alcohol extracts) that you can find them on the internet or your healthy provider. Green tea (Camellia sinensis), Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum), Olive leaf (Olea europaea), Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) and Fermented wheat germ extract are most common herbal used for antioxidant, anticancer, and immune effects. So, the patients who has lung cancer disease also suggested for them to use it.

  • Homeopathy Therapy

  • Homeopathy medicine aims to stimulate the individual's natural healing processes through the administration of minute "homeopathic" dilutions of specific remedies. Some homeopathics are derived from plants, minerals or animals, such as venom, tree sap or even coffee. An experienced homeopath can prescribe a regimen for supporting general health during lung cancer. Homeopathy may help reduce symptoms and strengthen overall constitution, reduce the effects of stress during cancer, and also its help the patients in order to decrease side effects of chemotherapy.

  • Acupuncture Therapy

  • Acupuncture therapy actually is not use as a treatment for the cancer disease, but based on some research data the acupuncture therapy can be help to reduce pain and shortness of breath which appear on the symptoms of cancer disease including lung cancer cases. Acupuncture and herbal therapy are may become usefull if they start to use them during active chemotherapy or radiation.

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